Unlocking the Power of Peptides for Weight Loss: Your Ultimate Guide

Unlocking the Power of Peptides for Weight Loss: Your Ultimate Guide

Peptides are being used popularly for weight loss
Peptides are being used popularly for weight loss

Peptide therapy is one thing that is gradually grabbing more and more eyes in the health and fitness world. Peptides can make an organ release certain hormones that makes these compounds a new way to achieve particular health related goals. One such goal is losing weight using peptides. Peptides for weight loss has always been a hot matter even with a history of over two decades. Do peptides really help individuals in their weight loss journey, what are the options to try and what things should be kept in mind before using them, are some usual questions related to them. But, don’t worry as we in this article discuss all the important facts so that you can safely use peptides for weight loss.

What are peptides?

Peptide in an injection
Peptide in an injection

Peptides are actually amino acid sequences that link together to create proteins. The sequence of amino acids work as the building blocks of protein in your body. These amino acid sequences are a perfect supplement for a healthier lifestyle by helping you achieve your goals through neurotransmitters, signalling and hormones. A decline in the endogenous growth hormones is one of the main reasons for gaining weight. By increasing the growth hormone, peptides can help in reducing weight.

Do peptides help you lose weight?

Peptides help in losing weight by impacting your growth hormones
Peptides help in losing weight by impacting your growth hormones

So, if you’re confused about if peptides help you lose weight, the answer is yes. As already said, a decline in the growth hormones is the main reason behind weight gain because growth hormones can lower the level of fat storage, help in maintaining healthy metabolism, maintaining muscles and aids with cognitive function. While your age, lifestyle and environment can impact the growth hormone secretion, you can change so by resorting to peptides. Growth hormone is in itself a peptide can consists a chain of 191 amino acids. By having peptides that generally have less than 50 amino acids, you can increase your growth hormone secretion for help in weight loss.

Best peptides for weight loss

Different peptides taken with injection
Different peptides taken with injection

You can conveniently lose weight by increasing your metabolism and controlling digestive processes using peptides. Here are the best peptides that you can take for losing belly fat and all such benefits :-


5-AMINO-1MQ is one of the most working peptides for weight loss. The chemicals present in this peptide can increase your energy generation by working on the mitochondria. Mitochondria are one of the most essential organelle in our cells. There are different studies suggesting it’s benefits in reducing chances obesity. 5-AMINO-1MQ can prevent type – II – diabetes and adipogenesis. The peptide works effectively to reduce body’s cholesterol levels and the formation of fat cells, increase fat metabolism and to reverse obesity induced by diet. You should combine this peptide with an NAD+ precursor for the best results.


AOD9604 is one of most popular peptides that is actually a fragment of C terminus of human’s growth hormone. If you’re a beginner who wants to lose weight without worrying about side effects, you can go with this peptide. There are enough studies to prove the effectiveness of AOD9604 peptide in reducing weight in obese people. The peptide was even found effective in decreasing weight in obese animals by increasing lipolysis and fat oxidation. You can expect drastic results in weight loss just in a period of 12 weeks (however your age, lifestyle and genetics can impact the progress). Just take 1 mg dose daily and you’ll see better results than exercise alone.

CJC 1295

The main aim of this peptide is to fuel protein synthesis levels. CJC 1295 peptide works to boost the growth of muscle tissues in your body. There are two versions of this peptide, one with DAC (Drug Affinity Complex) and the other one without DAC. CJC 1295 with DAC increases your body’s natural growth hormone secretion helping in losing weight with efficient protein synthesis. The version is not suitable over long period of time especially if your blood sugar is high. CJC 1295 without DAC is, on the other hand, a safer alternative. The peptide can also aid in muscle gain by increasing IGF-1 levels. You may easily increase your muscle mass to get an attractive profile and also promote your sleep with this peptide.


MOTS-C is another major peptide that works on mitochondria. This peptide activates hormones at the cellular and systemic levels that increase the number of benefits of this peptide. This particular peptide can enhance body’s resistance to metabolic stress as it regulates the mitochondrial genome and translocates into the nucleus in response to such stress. By promoting lipid beta – oxidation, MOTS-C can increase thermogenic brown fat an decrease body fat. Along with controlling obesity, the peptide can help in fighting against diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and positively impact longevity and physical performance. The multi purpose peptide is also great for energy production and neuro protection.


A part of growth hormone secretagogues, a separate class of peptides, ipamorelin works to improve body’s production of endogenous growth hormones by stimulating the pituitary gland. The peptide works as an analog to ghrelin, a renowned hunger hormone. It is highly successful among users in improving sleep, aiding fat loss and easing mood. The peptide also works great as energy booster. These users took this peptide for a short duration of less than 3 months to get such benefits. You can also use this peptide to improve your performance in sports or gym. The peptide is also found short of any major side effect making it a safer option too.

How much weight can you lose with peptides?

You can lose desired weight using peptides in just 12 weeks
You can lose desired weight using peptides in just 12 weeks

As discussed, peptides are highly effective in losing fat. Researches have proved than some peptides are even two times better than any other current weight loss drug for losing weight. Peptides can even give better results than diet and exercise alone. While different peptides have different ways to react with each taking more or less time to react, you can expect to see noticeable results in 3 months. If you’re hoping to lose 10 – 15 kgs, peptides can give you desired results. Peptides like CJC 1295 can give expected results in 12 weeks. You may expect to lose even 27 to 30 kg by combining them with proper diet, exercise an due care.

Peptides for muscle gain

Girl flexing her muscles
Girl flexing her muscles

While peptides are intensively used for losing weight by stimulating growth hormones and restricting some neurotransmitters that lead to weight gain, peptides can assist in muscle gain too. Peptides help in leaning your muscles. They help by reducing the accumulation of fat in your body by decreasing the size of adipocytes. Peptides like tesofonsine aids with body composition and immune function. Ipamorelin, CJC 1295 and GHRP are well known for significanct muscle and strengh gain. These peptides improve recovery post workout and increase your overall performance in gym and athletics.

Side effects of using peptides

Kidney pain is one of the side effects of taking peptides
Kidney pain is one of the side effects of taking peptides

You should take into account some possible side effects of peptides before using them. These growth hormone stimulants can reduce your body’s sensitivity to insulin hormone that leads to increased sugar levels. They can increase your hunger and fluid retention. Itchiness around the injection area is a common thing. Some serious issues include extreme pain in kidneys, high blood pressure, dry mouth and decreased fertility.

You should be careful about how you align your peptide stack. Give a due consideration to dosing, correct order and cycle of the peptides. You can search online for particular organisations for correct estimates. And working on dosing, keep your both short and long term goals in mind. You can take help of a practitioner to come up with an optimum dose as per your requirements.

Peptides are becoming more usual for losing fat. These supplements are proving themselves in researches. In this article, we covered all your doubts related to peptides. We have also listed five best peptides for weight loss to make your goal achievable. However, since depending on it alone is not a good idea and you may get prone to various side effects associated with their use, you should combine them with other normal lifestyle approaches to be on the safer side.

Does Creatine make you gain weight

Does Creatine make you gain weight

Creatine is an acidic supplement that has the ability to provide energy to our cells. It is also used as a muscle-building aid among fitness enthusiasts. Apart from the gym freaks the athletes take creatine as well to improve their performances. So, this gives us an overview that what is creatine. Let us take a look at other kinds of stuff related to these supplements.

Supplements come with their own benefits and adverse effects
Supplements come with their own benefits and adverse effects


People also wonder about the facts like does taking creatine increase weight? For the people who are on their weight loss journeys, it is hard for them to manage some extra gains due to supplements. Hence, it becomes a situation of uncertainty for them whether to add creatine into their routines or not. Let us have a look at creatine, its benefits, and its impact on the body.

More About Creatine

Creatine is naturally produced by our body organs like kidneys and liver. But in order to get more quantity of it, people consume it from external sources like seafood. You may also have doubts over the fact that does creatine give you energy? This has a scientific explanation as creatine on intake binds itself to phosphate to create a component called creatine phosphate. The role of this component is to provide you with energy boosts and help in producing more ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is also our primary source of energy.

Creatine supports in high intensity workouts
Creatine supports in high intensity workouts


Creatine intakes are advisable for those who are intensely working out for their bodies. Be it weight training or other physical exercises they all require a lot of energy. This energy requirement sometimes cannot be met by the naturally produced creatine from the body. Hence, the supplements come into play at this point which helps in providing extra energy and endurance to the body.

Benefits of creatine

Creatine is one of the world’s most popular supplements which is majorly used for performance boosts and gaining strength. Let us take a look at its key benefits;

  • Creatine is effective for those who want to add muscle mass and have their muscles grown by increasing the hormones which are responsible for this. Regular consumption of creatine speeds up muscle growth among individuals.
  • It helps in improving athletes’ performance by supporting them in high-intensity exercises. Since these exercises would demand a lot of energy out of them and the naturally produced creatine won’t be able to meet that sort of requirement.
  • Researchers also claim that creatine consumption helps in treating of few diseases like Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases.
  • Regulated intake of creatine also helps in fighting diabetic illness and also lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Since creatine promotes high energy it thereby helps in reducing tiredness and fatigue among individuals.
  • Unlike other supplements and their adverse effects on the body, creatine is considered to be one of the safest supplements for the body.
Creatine also helps in regulating blood sugar levels
Creatine also helps in regulating blood sugar levels


Everything which has some benefits will surely have some adverse effects too. One such thing is weight gain caused by creatine. For those who are looking to gain some weight via their physical fitness, it’s a boon, but for people who are struggling hard to shred out extra kilos, it’s a bane. So if you have a question bobbling in your mind should I take creatine while trying to lose weight? The answer would be a big ‘No’. Is creatine weight gain a reality? Let us take a look.

How much weight can you gain from creatine in a month?

People do have concerns over the impact of creatine weight gains more than its benefits. They keep wondering and calculating how much weight would they gain by consuming this supplement. But make sure to understand that it is not always the fats that are causing weight gains, there are other factors as well. Here are a few;

  • Muscular Weight: Muscular weight or muscle mass does increase with time. Creatine as a supplement proves to be a catalyst in enhancing muscular endurance and strength. This enhanced size of muscles will cause some weight gains for sure.
  • Water Weight: Water weight or fluid retention property of the body is also one of the causes of weight gain. As the supplement creatine draws water content into our muscle cells, it causes water weights in muscles to make them look bigger. This also results in bloating or puffiness around the muscular areas.
One might gain some extra weight with consumption of creatine
One might gain some extra weight with consumption of creatine


The amount of weight gain would certainly depend on the consumption of this supplement on daily basis. On average creatine weight gain would range somewhere in between 1.5 to 3.5 pounds in the initial weeks and could go up to 5-6 pounds in a month’s span. That’s some considerable weight gain, so be sure of what your goals are before consuming the supplement.

Life after Creatine Weight Gains

People keep curiously thinking about the facts like how to get rid of this extra creatine weight gain. Does creatine water retention go away? What will I need to do to keep my weight under control? Here are a few tips;

  • Increasing water intake can normalize the impact of creatine on your body. The more water you drink the more it stimulates urination thus removing the extra water content from the body effectively.
  • Contrary to enhancing water intake one must also reduce carbohydrate intake as it causes the body to hold water.
  • One also has to reduce their sodium intake as sodium as a component has the property which makes the body retain fluids.
  • Exercises are also one of the ways of reducing water retention. So, in order to make your body lose water weight, one has to train more.
Increase water intake to negate the creatine effects
Increase water intake to negate the creatine effects


Following these simples steps will help you get rid of excess water weights from your body. So, do not panic seeing the weight gains after creatine usages, there are ways to counter its impact.

Impacts of Creatine on Body

The human body becomes troublesome when extra fats get accumulated into it. The area where it accumulates the most is the upper body and specifically the belly region. So before consumption of creatine one must understand that does creatine make you gain belly fat? The answer to this would be ‘Yes’ in short-term duration. It won’t make you gain weight directly but through the water retention abilities of your body. One who intakes creatine for a long and consistent duration would have a stronger metabolism to burn out the gained fats from this supplement.

Creatine weight gains are a short term effect on the body
Creatine weight gains are a short term effect on the body


Apart from creatine weight gain people also wonder about the fact that does creatine make your face puffy? A puffy or a bloated face tarnishes your personality despite having a good overall body. Hence, it is quite important to maintain a healthy face along with a healthy body. Since creatine is causing the body to retain more water content, thus muscles would collect water from the body and this would make you notice some bloating around your facial muscles. So, this is how creatine majorly impacts our bodies. But, do keep in mind that regular long-term usage would give you the best results and eradicate this creatine weight gain quite easily.

Does Sweating Help You Lose Weight

Does Sweating Help You Lose Weight

We all have at least once in our lives heard the fact that sweating helps in losing weight but hardly few of us know that it is merely a myth. Yes, a myth. Sweating is a natural body cooling phenomenon and it happens to regulate the body temperature. The process of sweating involves the release of water and salt content from the body. But does sweating lose weight? Let’s figure it out.

Sweating: The cool down process
Sweating: The cool down process

We follow our instructors and do a hard intense workout. At the end of our session seeing the sweat pouring out of our bodies we feel like mission weight loss is towards accomplishment. But we all mistake ourselves by considering the fact that more sweat means more fat loss. The sweating phenomenon is only a cool-down mechanism of the body. We will know more about sweat and sweat-related stuff today.

Does sweating more mean faster metabolism?

We often observe that few people sweat a lot in their day-to-day lives. It might be someone from our families or friend circle but we all must have encountered one such person for sure who sweats a lot. What does that indicate? A fast metabolism? Well, sweating more can have different factors involved as a reason for it, few of them are;

  • Fitness Appetite
  • Age
  • Weather Condition
  • Weight
  • Genetics
Sweating depends on your fitness appetites as well
Sweating depends on your fitness appetites as well

Out of the above-mentioned factors, the most influential part of your sweating would be your weight and your fitness appetite. The more the weight, more the energy is needed for your body to function which would result in more sweat. We often see overweight people sweat more for even small works, this is the sole reason behind that. Apart from it, environmental conditions where you reside also have a role to play in your sweating. Someone who lives in a hot and humid condition would sweat more compared to those who reside in moderate weather conditions.

What are the benefits of sweating?

So, be it a machine or a body, a cooldown after rigorous work is a must. Sweating does that action for the human body. Let us take a look at its other benefits.

  • Sweating is ideally best for those who are exercising to see instant and quick results. It helps in boosting energy and also to maintain weight up to some extent.
  • It helps in the elimination of unwanted chemicals from the body.
  • Research also claims the fact that sweating helps in bacterial cleansing from the body.
  • Sweating helps in making your skin look healthier as it is directly proportional to the blood circulation in your body. Sweating more allows the nutrients and oxygen to reach your skin cells and rejuvenate them.
  • Researchers also exclaim the fact that sweating helps in reducing the risk of kidney stones. As sweat consists of calcium and salt, the release of it from time to time helps an individual in avoiding any such health concerns.
  • Sweating also promotes good sleep and improves mindsets among individuals.
Sweating helps you in maintaining a healthy skin
Sweating helps you in maintaining a healthy skin

So, if we see the overall outcomes of sweating, we find that it has enormous health-related benefits. And it’s rightly quoted that, “Those who sweat out hard, often see the results”. But, does sweating burn belly fat? Or how much weight can you lose by sweating? Let’s try to find out!

Can sweating help in losing weight?

Well, a lot of people misunderstand this and often end up believing that the more they sweat the more they are losing weight. One must understand the fact that sweating is a temporary loss of water content from the body which may result in fat burn momentarily but would be restored as well once the person is hydrated. Moreover, burning body fat is a whole mechanism in itself, merely sweating out won’t make you achieve this. But, on the other hand, if someone wonders whether sweating burns calories, then the answer would be ‘Yes’ temporarily.

Exercises and diets hold the key in weight loss
Exercises and diets hold the key in weight loss

While working out people use their energy which generates internal heat. Sweating cools down this heat generated by the body which is released out as sweat. Soon after your intensely sweaty workout if you jump into your weighing scale the results would make you feel you have lost some weight. But, soon as you get yourself hydrated back, you would restore some weight. So, replenishing your body is quite important after such long and intense workouts. Don’t live in a misconception that more sweating loses weight.

When do we sweat?

It is a common activity while someone is working out to have sweat all around. Some may have it more, some may have it less but people do sweat while exercising. But what if you don’t sweat during exercise, is it a waste of time? No, not at all. Since sweating is in no way near concerned with actual weight loss or fat burn process, it is not a factor to be much worried about. But one must be concerned about their health if they aren’t sweating during workouts even after being hydrated. It is a special medical condition called ‘Hypohidrosis’ which indicates the body’s incapability to sweat.

Sweating is quite common when a person is nervous
Sweating is quite common when a person is nervous

People also keep wondering about the excessive sweat due to heat. But can you lose weight by sweating from heat? Well, there are certain equipment and focused exercise available which generates excessive heat. This heat indeed causes sweating among people. So, it is the exercise that is helping you out to lose weight, not the sweating. It is also observant that people do sweat when they are nervous, and it is the hormones in the body which is responsible for it. People also sweat when they are sick and this again could have multiple reasons and one of them being anxiousness about the illness. Apart from these, sweating also depends on the surrounding you are in, if it’s a humid place then definitely you are going to sweat more out there.

Does sweating without exercise burn fat?

We all engage ourselves in day-to-day routines and in order to perform this work we often sweat. But, does this sweat burning our fats? The answer would again be ‘No’. People are seen sitting under a sauna in hope of losing weight by releasing more sweat. But that sweat is releasing only the unwanted stuff from the body, nothing else. Therefore losing weight by sweating from heat is also a myth. Exercising daily with the same intensity and a good diet are the keys to your weight loss journey.

Sweating can only cause a temporary water loss in the body
Sweating can only cause a temporary water loss in the body

For many years people have been co-relating sweat, fats, and calories without much evidence on it. But with researches worldwide, it has become quite evident that sweating can only cause to loss of water weight from the body. This would ultimately be restored once you are going to hydrate yourself. Since this loss is temporary so we cannot say that sweating in any way is helping individuals to lose weight. But if we see medical facts over sweating without exercises or sweating it is absolutely a great thing. Bodies would overheat if a person is not sweating and that would cause some serious trouble. So do sweat it out, but do not let yourself fall for a myth.

7 Essential Oils for Weight Loss

7 Essential Oils for Weight Loss

Essential oils are naturally obtained concentrated extracts of various plants and herbs. They are widely used for curing health-related concerns. Most naturopathy and aromatherapy are based on essential oils.

Different plants have their specialty and it is not always known to people. These helpful components from the plants are extracted by different manufacturing processes. These extracted oils have a much stronger aroma than the plant or herb to which it belongs. Getting pure extract of essential oil is also a challenge. Since manufacturers often add it to a carrier oil to get more quantity of extract.

Essential oils are naturally obtained
Essential oils are naturally obtained


Benefits of Essential Oil

There are various uses of essential oils starting right from cosmetics to perfumes and creams. But today we will know more about the essential oils for weight loss. People often have this fact in their minds that only focusing on diet and hitting the gym are the ways to lose weight. But, in reality, there are a few small tricks that can help the cause.

Aromatherapy is one of the best ways to intensify the weight loss process. Essential oils have enormous health benefits. But one must be wondering now that how can just inhalation of something help in weight loss? Here is the answer to your curiosity, inhaling these essential oils reduces the feeling of craving inside your body. Since the body will have fewer cravings, ultimately the person is going to consume less. But before any application of these essential oils is in terms of inhaling or rubbing, make sure to consult a medical practitioner who understands your body well.

7 Essential oils for Weight Loss

Ginger Oil: It is an essential oil that helps in reducing craving, inflammation, and stress among people. This oil also helps in digestion-related activities in the body. One of the best things about this oil is it acts as a thermogenic which helps in burning fats. Ginger oils boost the body’s metabolism quite efficiently. These are often inhaled and also used in lukewarm water for bathing.

Peppermint Oil: People do have a question of how to use peppermint oil for weight loss? So, here is the answer to that. Peppermint oil helps in soothing sore muscles and improves the recovery time of individuals. The aroma of this oil also helps in killing the craving for unhealthy food. This makes the person feel full, thus avoiding overeating and paving the way towards weight loss. This oil is also added to the bathwater to soothe the body and muscles.

Lemon Oil: Well, we all know how crucial lemon water is in the weight loss journey. But, the lemon essential oils can also play a part in helping you shed some extra kilos. It helps in eradicating toxins from the body and enhances energy levels. Inhaling lemon oil helps in boosting body fat breakdown and elevating mood.

We can also apply essential oils on body part
We can also apply essential oils on body part


Grapefruit Oil: Grapefruit essential oil helps in boosting the body’s metabolism and breakdown body fat easily. People often massage their stomachs with this oil extract. It is also an essential oil for weight loss in the belly button as it mostly impacts the belly region fat. Grapefruit oil has many other benefits like it improving digestion and regulating pulse rates. Hence, this essential oil is a good one for a healthy lifestyle.

Lavender Oil: Lavender oil is a great example of essential oils that are best for stress relief. These are often beneficial when people want to burn out extra kilos and avoid unnecessary cravings. Inhaling once again is the process to follow here, put a few drops of this oil on your hands and sniff it in. It can also be put directly on the body parts. Lavender oil is the best example of essential oils for weight loss and cellulite.

Just few drops of essential oils can help you in your weight loss
Just few drops of essential oils can help you in your weight loss


Rosemary Oil: Rosemary essential oil can help in reducing cortisol levels quite significantly. It is also good for stress and tension release from the body. Just apply a bit of these essential oils before going to bed around your waist and take deep breathes.

Cinnamon Oil: Most of the cravings occur due to imbalanced sugar levels. Overeating is one of the biggest causes of weight gain. It is very easy to put on a few extra kilos, but it is way more difficult to lose even half of it. Cinnamon oil helps in boosting your body’s metabolism and rapidly break sugar into energy. Since the sugar is not present as fat, the body will gain no more weight. To get the maximum benefits out of it, people have it before their meals.

So, out of more than 90 types of essential oils, these are the 7 essential oils that are widely popular globally for weight loss. You can pick any of them according to your healthy lifestyle and start extracting their benefits. You can also try each of them on different days of a week and consider them as 7 days weight loss essential oils.

Few more benefits of Essential Oils

  • Essential oils are often the best when it comes to relieving stress and anxiety. Most people across the world face the issue of anxiety and stress at some phase of their life. The aroma of a few essential oils help in giving the body a perfect soothe and relaxation to the mind. This helps in calming the body down.
  • These oils also help in reducing headaches and migraines. The magical power of these oils comes into play when we apply them to the forehead region. Chamomile and sesame oil are most popular for this remedy.
Essential oils also help in relieving headaches and migraines
Essential oils also help in relieving headaches and migraines


  • It helps in reducing inflammatory diseases from the body.
  • Essential oils are also best in business when it comes to the treatment of insomnia and sleep. People also face difficulty while sleeping and the feeling of sleeplessness gets better them. In such cases, these essential oils play a crucial role in providing quality sleep after application.

Final Verdicts

We saw in detail essential oils and their benefits. These can be a part of your routine life which can help in enhancing your day-to-day health. But, before adding them to your lifestyle make sure you are well aware of the side effects or allergies caused by them. Make sure that you are consulting your medical expert or someone who is already using these oils to understand more about them.

Few good habits and life is full of joy
Few good habits and life is full of joy


Weight loss is not just a process, it is a whole journey within itself. So, make sure that you are ready to reach many new milestones in this journey. Since these products are rare, the quality factor is often a matter of concern. People try to take advantage of the fact that it’s the need of people and they will go after it at any cost. Many frauds do not sell the right product which is a pure extract of essential oil. This can lead to adverse effects on the body. Hence, it is advisable to check the purity and quality and always make sure that you are purchasing these products from a reputed brand. Using essential oils for minor health issues won’t be much pain, but do not try this for major health concerns before the consultation. Let a few extra bucks not cost you extra health issues!

10 tips on how to make a weight loss journal

10 tips on how to make a weight loss journal

A weight loss journal can be used in a variety of when trying to lose weight
A weight loss journal can be used in a variety of ways when trying to lose weight

Making a bullet journal can be the first step towards building an organized life. A bullet journal can be used in a variety of ways. And, if you are worried about that extra weight of your thighs and hips and planning to lose weight, a weight loss journal can actually prove very effective.

A weight loss journal is simply the journal to keep track about what you are eating and drinking all day. You can count the food intake, count calories and also track every other information related to weight loss in the journal. While you can create your own weight loss journal on paper, buy one from the store or use various phone websites, making a weight loss journal can be a little difficult. If you are using weight loss journal, these are the 10 tips and ideas that you must follow to make your progress towards a better body more effective :-

Add a step tracker to your journal

Add a step tracker to your weight loss journal
Add a step tracker to your weight loss journal

One important thing while trying to lose weight is to walk. And, one thing that will make you moving is counting your steps. And, keeping track of the steps you move is quite easy these days. You can download any step counter app from your App Store or can make use of a smart watch having this feature. Note down the step count on your weight loss journal to readily know about your steps. You can easily analyze if you’re making some progress or not.

Set goals

Set your weight loss goals in the journal
Set your weight loss goals in the journal

Set a goal according to your body’s need. Follow the SMART goal approach. Study your body and design goals accordingly. It can be something like losing 5 kg in 6 months or fitting into that 28″ jeans in next 3 months. Your goal should be measurable, achievable and time bound. Remember to make a goal that is realistic. It shouldn’t be something like losing 10 kg in 3 weeks. Write these goals in your weight loss journal to let things working. To be more accountable, you can also create a tracker for your goal.

Maintain a water tracker

You can keep track of your water intake with weight loss journal
You can keep track of your water intake with weight loss journal

As we already know that drinking water can prove very significant in weight loss. Water detoxifies your body by releasing out any waste, promotes your immune system and can reduce the urge to eat more. Water is also proven to boost metabolism rate. As such, you should keep a track of the water you take daily. Create a water tracker in your weight loss journal and analyze how many glasses do you take water. You will be able to increase the water intake if it’s less than the usual eight glasses of water.

Record your measurements

Record your measurements with weight loss journal
Record your measurements with weight loss journal

One crucial tip to know about the progress you’re making in your weight loss journey is to keep track of your body measurements. While you begin your weight loss process, write down your body weight, fat percentage, chest, hip size and other body measurements on your journal. As you keep working on to lose weight, keep writing down your body measurements after certain intervals. This interval can be of a week or month. You will be able to know if there’s a significant change or not and make necessary lifestyle changes if required.

Plan your meals

You can use weight loss journal for planning your meals
You can use weight loss journal for planning your meals

As rightly said, you won’t lose weight simply by exercising. Abs are made in the kitchen and if you really want to lose weight, you should keep track of what you’re eating. You won’t lose weight if you keep eating donuts and fries all day long. A weight loss journal can help you in this. You can use the journal to plan your meal for the week ahead. You just have to sit down and plan everything you will eat during the week with the help of this journal. You can include healthy food and even stuff like calories and nutrients.

Track your exercise

Use weight loss journal to keep a track of your exercise
Use weight loss journal to keep a track of your exercise

Exercise is always considered the best way to lose weight. A good diet combined with a good exercise makes you lose desired weight in a matter of few weeks. Working out makes you feel energized all day long and avoids any chance of illness. It’s very good for your muscles and bones. You can add a workout tracker into your weight loss journal. The tracker will act as an incentive for you to exercise more. When you analyze the progress you make in exercising, you also get a sense of accomplishment.

Enter food data at exact time

Enter food data at exact time in your weight loss journal
Enter food data at exact time in your weight loss journal

One useful idea for your journal for weight loss is to enter food data at exact time. You should write down the data related to food right after your mealtime. Write down the nutrients, calories and any other data about your food after taking it as it is very easy to remember such information later in the day. Also, you don’t have to eat every meal in your journal. If there’s a column of snack in your weight loss journal and you haven’t eaten it, you don’t need to eat snacks.

Take your journal to the supermarket

Take your weight loss journal to the supermarket
Take your weight loss journal to the supermarket

Taking your weight loss journal to the supermarket can prove very helpful in losing weight. If you go to the supermarket unplanned, you may buy something unhealthy and against your meal plan. So, the best tip will be to either take your journal to the supermarket while going for shopping or to make a grocery list according to the meal plan in your journal. Stick to the things listed in your shopping list and don’t be tempted to try something delicious as you’re feeling hungry. You will also be able to save some money in this way.

Record your feelings

Record your feelings and emotions in weight loss journal
Record your feelings and emotions in weight loss journal

One important tip to make your weight loss journal more effective is to also record your feelings and emotions. As your feelings and emotions can affect your whole workout and eating cycle, it is advisable to also keep a track of them. We also associate feelings with eating, like eating ice-cream when feeling sad or drinking cold drink when feeling angry. Keeping track of your emotions will make you find out such eating patterns that can eventually affect your weight. You can plan ahead and will be able to stop this emotional eating.

Be patient

Be patient while trying to lose weight with the help of journal
Be patient while trying to lose weight with the help of journal

The last tip while making your weight loss journal is to be patient. The plan that you have prepared might not work exactly as you wanted. Don’t lose your mind. Analyse again, find out if something is wrong in your lifestyle and introduce some necessary changes if demanded. It is also advised to use your journal on a daily basis so that you can study your daily habits. Start your journey slowly and as simply as possible. Gradually make the progress with the help of your weight loss journal. It can be as sophisticated as you want, but don’t rush into making it too complicated.

Purpose of a weight loss journal

A weight loss journal can easily track everything affecting your weight loss journey
A weight loss journal can easily track everything affecting your weight loss journey

If we ask you, “How much calories did you take this Sunday?” You might know that exact answer to it. While you are planning to lose weight, it becomes important to know about how much calories you are consuming and how much you’re burning it. That’s where the role of a weight loss journal comes it. The purpose of weight loss journal is to make you focus on your weight loss goals. You can break down your goal into manageable parts, find out your actual activity, eating patterns and sleeping patterns, track your BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar level. This will make you know the correlation between healthy eating, exercising and weight loss.

Losing body weight starts with introducing some simple changes to your lifestyle. You might be required to amend your daily habits, increase the intensity of your exercise and focus on healthy eating. A weight loss journal has a very big role is making such puzzling activities much simpler. You can keep track of your eating habits, your exercise, your body measurements and your water intake with a journal. You can also use it to plan your meal in advance. Follow the 10 tips shown above to effectively organize your weight loss journal. Use your journal on daily basis for best results.

Pro Tip: How long does it take to lose weight?

Pro Tip: How long does it take to lose weight?

Weight loss happens when you take lesser calories than you take and it takes time
Weight loss happens when you take lesser calories than you burn and it takes time

One thing that strikes in mind of every individual who is trying to lose weight is how much time does it take to lose weight. Whether you want to lose weight to get in perfect shape for a particular occasion or want it for your general health, this question is common among everyone. Weight loss can also improve your cholesterol levels, blood sugar and blood pressure. Weight loss happens when you consume more calories than you take i.e. the calories you get from the food you eat is less than the overall calories you burn with different activities. And, this whole process takes time. And, you may have heard of slow weight loss like one pound per week. A slow and steady weight loss is more beneficial than a faster one. A healthy weight loss rate may also vary depending on different factors. If you are interested to know about the actual time taken to lose weight, then this article is for you. We have covered different scenarios depending on different factors so that you can find out your ideal time :-

How long does it really take to lose belly fat?

How long does it take to lose belly fat? Depends on your diet and exercise
How long does it take to lose belly fat? Depends on your diet and exercise

The most researched question, that you may also be wondering, “why long does it take to lose belly weight?” Remember, we need to burn around 3500 calories to lose one pound of weight. If everything goes fine, it can take just two weeks for losing belly weight. But if you want to do so fast, you have to seriously concentrate on every aspect of your lifestyle. As a beginner, you will have to focus on a strict diet and frequent exercise to lose those extra inches. A right balance of workout and diet is important for achieving so. You have to avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, minimize consuming refined carbs and exercise as much as possible. Your diet should be rich of carbs and proteins. You should combine cardio with weight lifting, resistance training and aerobics for better results.

How long after starting exercise will I lose weight?

How long after starting exercise will I lose weight? Expect it to take 2 to 3 weeks
How long after starting exercise will I lose weight? Expect it to take 2 to 3 weeks

Working out is the most successful way to lose weight. As exercising makes you sweat, increases your metabolism and burns your calories, everyone wants to stretch as much as possible to win the game. Especially an High Intensity Exercise proves very effective when trying to lose weight. If you have started exercising recently, you can expect to see the results in two to three weeks. But, you have to be slow and steady. Along with exercise you also have to develop healthy eating habits as the calories you take should ultimately be less than the calories you burn.

How long does it take to lose weight for a woman?

Woman take more time than men to lose weight
Women take more time than men to lose weight

The ability to lose weight is also influenced by the gender. Women have a greater fat to muscle ratio than men, meaning that women tend to burn 5 to 10% fewer calories than man if both follows a similar diet. Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), the rate depicting the number of calories a person needs to maintain normal functions like breathing, is fewer in women than men of same height. This makes losing weight a little easier for men. The weight that a man can lose in 8 weeks can take a woman 9 weeks to lose, if both follows a certain lifestyle.

How long does it take to lose weight walking?

Walking is a simple exercise and can take two weeks to lose 1 pound
Walking is a simple exercise and can take two weeks to lose 1 pound

While many people decide to be simple, walking is the option they see for losing weight. As walking is a light exercise that doesn’t make you burn a lot of calories, it should be done daily in a good pace if you want to see the results. Even if you want to lose just one pound of weight in two weeks you have to walk at a fast speed of 4.5 miles per hour for atleast 60 minutes a day. As a beginner, it is advised to start slow. Walking at a slow speed of 2 miles per hour for one hour every day can keep you going. If you want to lose weight faster, you can also add strength training to your routine along with walking. You have to concentrate also on a clean and nutritious diet for clear results.

How long does it take to lose weight by running?

Running 5 miles everyday can make you lose 5 pounds in a month
Running 5 miles everyday can make you lose 5 pounds in a month

If walking doesn’t seem to be working for you, running can be a better option. But still, you have to be on a good pace and have a patience when trying to lose weight by running. Just running fast for 10 minutes a day might not give you the desired results. The aim should be to burn calories and when trying to lose weight, it is seen that a slower and longer run will make you burn more calories than a run which is fast and short. You can try to run at least 5 miles each day for effective results. A 180 pound person can actually reduce 5 pounds in a month by running for five miles everyday. One another fact is that the less your weight is, the lesser calories you will lose by running. As such the more you lose weight, the less calories you’ll burn by running. Eventually, it will result in taking more time in losing weight.

How long does it take to lose weight from not eating?

Losing weight from not eating can take more than a few weeks
Losing weight from not eating can take more than a few weeks

One thing most people follows while trying to lose weight is to avoid eating. As, weight loss happens when you take lesser calories, you may try to eat as minimum calories as possible. But, it can pathetically impact your progress as your body will get into survival mode. It will try to conserve calories. Your immune system will gets weaken and chances of weight loss get reduced. It might take a few weeks for your body to keep off the extra pounds when losing weight by not eating. Intermittent fasting can even take more than a few weeks to lose the first pound. And, when you are consistent, you can easily lose a pound per week by not eating.

How long does it take to lose weight by working out?

You can lose four pounds in just 2 weeks by combining workout with good diet
You can lose four pounds in just 2 weeks by combining workout with good diet

After you have started attending training sessions and following a strict exercise routine, it may be possible to lose much weight. But, again the thing that matters the most is your calorie intake. If you are following a serious heavy training session and are not focusing on your diet, the results might not be the same. There are some cardios that can literally increase your hunger and may give you the opposite results. Just merely concentrating on your cardio and workout will make you just lose two pounds in three to four months. If you want a constant result of losing two to four pounds in just two weeks, you should combine your cardio and resistance training with a good diet. And, at it’s best, you can also expect to lose around 18 pounds just within a time period of four to six weeks.

Knowing about the time required for losing weight can make you get a clear mindset. But, remember every body is different, and so the results. The actual time may differ according to your body. And, when people do not see the result right after, they often quit. That’s the mistake that most people make when losing weight. It may take more or less time than usual to see the significant results. It’s also notable that you shouldn’t lose your weight too fast. Rapid weight loss can increase chances of dehydration, malnutrition, headache, fatigue and menstrual irregularities. Researches even prove that losing 1-3 pounds per week are enough. While factors like gender, sleep and your starting weight can affect the whole process, the above facts can make you clear about what to expect when thinking about how long does it actually take to loose weight.

11 best post workout shake for weight loss

11 best post workout shake for weight loss

Girl drinking a shake after exercise
Girl drinking a shake after exercise

Working hard on the gym to lose those extra pounds? If so, a post workout shake can be the most important meal of the day. After you have just finished that heavy training session, you need something rich to take away the soreness. A good shake after a workout will give your body the essential nutrients it needs to buckle up and prepares your muscles further so that you don’t need to skip the gym the day after.

Not just providing the necessary energy your body needs for repairing and building muscles after a good workout, a post workout shake is the most convenient way of getting necessary fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It makes your stomach feel full and you won’t crave heavy-calorie food items to satisfy the hunger after doing the exercise. A post workout shake provides your body the required glucose, increases the synthesis of protein and don’t let the protein decrease in your body, helping in weight loss. A homemade protein shake is proven to fulfil the requirements of your body after a workout. Not eating enough protein can cause muscle loss and with these healthy recipes, you’ll not only get the necessary proteins but will also satisfy your cravings for something refreshing and tasty. If you are looking for some easy to make fresh shakes for weight loss, here are the 11 best shakes that you can drink 30-45 minutes after a workout :-

Almond Coconut Shake

Almond Coconut Shake, a creamy post workout shake
Almond Coconut Shake, a creamy post workout shake


  • Protein – 17 g
  • Carbs – 48 g
  • Fat – 4 g
  • Calorie – 330 kcal


  • 20 almonds
  • 1 dry coconut – uncooked
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 2 tablespoon flaxseeds – powdered
  • 2 cup milk


Soak almonds and the coconut it water for a night. The next day, drain water and fry the almonds and coconut until you get a nice coarse powder. Mix this powder and milk together with the honey, powdered flaxseeds and cinnamon powder. Mix well and transfer the shake to a tall glass, sprinkle a little cinnamon powder and enjoy!

Alphonso Mango Almond Milk Shake

Alphonso Mango Almond Milk Shake, best post workout shake for mango lovers
Alphonso Mango Almond Milk Shake, best post workout shake for mango lovers


  • Protein – 15 g
  • Carbs – 51 g
  • Fat – 3 g
  • Calorie – 228 kcal


  • 1 cup Alphonso mango – chopped
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt cold


Blend the chopped Alphonso mango, almond milk and Greek yogurt into a blender. Shake the mixture and reserve it to a tall glass. Garnish the shake with chia seeeds and shake well before drinking.

Tofu Mango Shake

Tofu Mango Shake, a post workout shake with protein rich tofu
Tofu Mango Shake, a post workout shake with protein rich tofu

This recipe works great if you are a non milk drinker looking for healthy post workout drink.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 16 g
  • Carbs – 40 g
  • Calorie – 300 kcal


  • 1 cup soya milk
  • 1/2 cup tofu
  • 1 cup fresh mango – chopped


Toss the soya milk, tofu and chopped mango pieces into a blender and mix well. Pour the mixture into a glass and drink it after shaking well.

Peanut Butter Banana Cocoa Shake

Peanut Butter Banana Cocoa Shake, calorie rich post workout shake
Peanut Butter Banana Cocoa Shake, calorie rich post workout shake

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 38 g
  • Carbs – 68 g
  • Fat – 22 g
  • Calorie – 624 kcal


  • 1 cup skimmed milk
  • 1 medium sized banana
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon Hemp seed hearts
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder


Heat milk on medium heat until small bubbles start coming up. Add banana, peanut butter and other ingredients to the blender and start blending at slow speed, gradually add milk and increase blender speed to high until well mixed. Transfer the shake to glass and drink.

Vanilla Tea Shake

Vanilla Tea Shake, post workout shake with a little caffeine
Vanilla Tea Shake, post workout shake with a little caffeine

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 17 g
  • Carbs – 20 g
  • Fat – 9 g
  • Fiber – 4 g
  • Calorie – 219 kcal


  • 1/4 cup chai tea
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tablespoon almond butter


Toss almond milk and all the remaining ingredients with some water (optional) in a blender and blend well. Transfer the mixture to a glass and garnish the shake with some chopped almonds.

Banana Strawberry Protein Smoothie

Banana Strawberry Protein Smoothie, a super juicy post workout shake
Banana Strawberry Protein Smoothie, a super juicy post workout shake

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 15 g
  • Carbs – 53 g
  • Fat – 8 g
  • Calorie – 349 kcal


  • 1 cup strawberries – frozen
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 banana – frozen
  • Spinach leaves


Mix avocado, banana, spinach and strawberries with the help of a blender until you get the consistency as you want. Put ice cubes in a glass and pour the mixture over it. Enjoy it chilled!

Blueberry Smoothie

Blueberry Smoothie, a gorgeous dark colored post workout smoothie
Blueberry Smoothie, a gorgeous dark colored post workout smoothie

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 28 g
  • Carbs – 16 g
  • Fat – 6 g
  • Fiber – 3 g
  • Calorie – 232 kcal


  • 1/2 cup blueberries – frozen
  • 1/2 cup almond milk – unsweetened
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder – plant based
  • 1/2 tablespoon unsalted almond butter


Into a blender, put blueberries, almond milk and other ingredients and blend well. You can also add water for better consistently. Pour the mixture into a tall glass and top this gorgeous smoothie with a few blueberries.

Banana Protein blended Coffee

Banana Protein Blended Coffee, a perfect post workout recipe for starting your day
Banana Protein Blended Coffee, a perfect post workout recipe for starting your day

This healthy drink is a perfect combination of breakfast and caffeine. After your workout, if you are looking for a nice shake for starting your day, this recipe is perfect.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 22 g
  • Carbs – 46 g
  • Fat – 6 g
  • Calorie – 330 kcal


  • 1 medium sized banana
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
  • 1 cup soy milk (or your favorite non dairy milk)
  • 1 cup water
  • 3 oz espresso


Freeze the banana for a night and mix all the ingredients in a blender and blend well until you get a thick and even shake mixture. You can also place ice cubes for better consistency. Transfer the shake to a glass and give a kick-start to your morning.

Oatmeal Apple Protein Shake

Oatmeal Apple Protein Shake, a post workout shake good for controlling blood sugar level
Oatmeal Apple Protein Shake, a post workout shake good for controlling blood sugar level

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 22 g
  • Carbs – 51 g
  • Fat – 18 g
  • Calorie – 398 g


  • 3 tablespoon oatmeal
  • 1 apple – finely chopped
  • 2 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoon almond butter
  • Cocoa powder


Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix them well enough to get a thick and consistent mixture. Pour the mixture into your serving glass and sprinkle some cocoa powder on the shake. The drink will keep your blood sugar level under control and your stomach will feel full for a long time.

Pea Protein Meal Replacement Shake

Pea Protein Meal Replacement Shake, a gluten free post workout smoothie
Pea Protein Meal Replacement Shake, a gluten free post workout smoothie

If you are looking for a gluten free and dairy free alternative of a protein shake that is evenly good in taste, this post workout shake with a huge load of protein will work for you.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 39 g
  • Carbs – 52 g
  • Calorie – 180 kcal


  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon pea protein
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon jaggery
  • Little nutmeg powder


Place almond milk, pea protein and other ingredients in a blender and blend well. You will get a nice thickening mixture. Your this mixture onto a glass and put two ice cubes in it. Drink chilled!

Gingerbread Cookie Shake, tasty and chocolaty post workout shake
Gingerbread Cookie Shake, tasty and chocolaty post workout shake

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 49 g
  • Carbs – 22 g
  • Fat – 5 g
  • Calorie – 332 kcal


  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 scoop chocolate meal replacement powder
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt – organic
  • 1 cup skim milk – organic
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger
  • 1 dash ground cloves
  • 5 ice cubes


Toss vanilla protein powder, chocolate meal replacement powder and all the other ingredients in a blender and mix them together on medium – high speed until getting an even smooth mixture. Pour this mixture on a tall glass and enjoy this refreshing post workout shake.

A good shake after a heavy workout can play a huge success in your overall growth. For keeping your hair, bones, skin and muscles healthy, you need something that has all the necessary nutrients that you get conveniently through these drinks. Refuel your body after workout with these awesome drinks that are easy to prepare and need a very few ingredients that can be easily found in your home. These homemade Protein rich drinks are proven to give you better results than commercial Protei powder and will ultimately help you in your goal of losing weight.

11 best Post Workout Shake for Muscle Gain

11 best Post Workout Shake for Muscle Gain

An homemade post workout smoothie perfect for muslce gain
An homemade post workout smoothie perfect for muscle gain

After you have exhausted all of your muscles in making your body look more linear and bulky, it is certain to feel a little sore. Yeah, a slight soreness is okay and can even give you a sense of accomplishment but it should not bother your further workout. That’s why, you need to focus on the meal after you have finished your difficult training schedule.

A rich and nutritious shake post workout can be a big gamechanger if you are planning to gain some muscles. Fairly easy for your body to digest and evenly better for getting the necessary proteins and fats your muscles need to get stronger, the post exercise shake is the vital component of recovery nutrition. It acts as a fuel that your body has consumed as muscle breakdown, sweating and dehydration during a workout. Amino acids which are the building blocks of protein are essential for rebuilding of muscles post exercise and act as muscle building pathways. It’s adequate consumption starts the process of muscle building synthesis and our body builds muscles.

A post workout shake with an adequate amount of carbohydrates and protein is what your body needs to start the muscle strengthening process. This protein shake can be the most crucial meal of the day as it affects the functioning of your body by giving it the necessary energy is an efficient manner. And more than the commercial protein powders, homemade shakes are proven to be more beneficial for your bones and muscles. Making a healthy and refreshing shake can be a bit confusing. But you don’t need to worry as here we are showing you the 11 best homemade tasty shakes that are easy to make. You can have them 15-60 minutes after your training session for maximum benefits :-

Orange Berry Creamsicle Smoothie

Orange Berry Creamsicle Smoothie, a refreshing post workout shake
Orange Berry Creamsicle Smoothie, a refreshing post workout shake

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 3 g
  • Carbs – 56 g
  • Fat – 2 g
  • Calorie – 236 kcal


  • 1 medium sized frozen banana
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 medium orange – peeled and chopped
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1/3 cup Greek yogurt


Toss banana, blueberries, orange pieces, oats and yogurt into a blender and then mix them well for getting a smooth mixture. Put the mixture into a tall glass, add a few ice cubes to the glass and enjoy this refreshing shake nice and cold.

Berry Tropical Smoothie

Berry Tropical Smoothie, a tropical style post workout shake full of vitamins and minerals
Berry Tropical Smoothie, a tropical style post workout shake full of vitamins and minerals

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 20 g
  • Carbs – 82 g
  • Fat – 2 g
  • Fiber – 9 g
  • Calorie – 373 kcal


  • 1/2 cup frozen strawberries – unsweetened
  • 1/2 cup frozen mango – unsweetened
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple – unsweetened
  • 1/2 cup almond milk (or your favorite non fat milk)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoon oat bran


Put all the fruits along with milk or yogurt or both for more protein and oat bran into the blender and mix well until you get an even textured mixture. Put the mixture to a glass or shaker, top it with two strawberry slices and enjoy this fruity smoothie that is filled with natural fruit sugar full of vitamins and minerals.

Chocolate Cake Smoothie

Chocolate Cake Smoothie, a high calorie tempting post workout shake
Chocolate Cake Smoothie, a high calorie tempting post workout shake

Nothing can be more good than feeding your stomach with a delicious chocolaty smoothie that is so tempting and rich and equally nutritious.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 9 g
  • Carbs – 88 g
  • Fat – 32 g
  • Calorie – 644 kcal


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 medium sized banana
  • 1 tablespoon raw cocoa powder
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
  • Ice cubes


Place all the above ingredients into a blender, cover and blend until you get a smooth mix. Pour the shake into a glass, garnish it with a little cocoa powder and enjoy.

Turmeric Mango Protein Shake

Turmeric Mango post workout shake filled with goodness of vitamins and omega 3 acids
Turmeric Mango post workout shake filled with goodness of vitamins and omega 3 acids

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 25 g
  • Carbs – 62 g
  • Fat – 38 g
  • Fiber – 7 g
  • Calorie – 365 kcal


  • 1 scoop protein powder (your favorite flavor)
  • 3/4 cup skim milk
  • 1 medium sized banana – frozen
  • 1/2 cup mango – frozen
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric


Mix all the ingredients together with the help of a blender to get a smooth thickening mixture. Drink it chilled and get benefits of Vitamins A and C found in mango, omega 3 fatty acids found in flaxseeds, antioxidants and anti inflammatory properties found in turmeric.

Banana Strawberry Protein Shake

Banana Strawberry post workout smoothie with potassium and fiber
Banana Strawberry post workout smoothie with potassium and fiber

With the goodness of potassium found in banana and antioxidants and fiber found in strawberries, this easy to make recipe offers good carbs to refuel your body.


  • Protein – 26 g
  • Carbs – 31 g
  • Fat – 5.2 g
  • Calorie – 261 kcal


  • 1 medium sized frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup strawberries – chopped
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt – low fat
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter.


Add all the ingredients along with the milk of your choice into a blender and mix well until getting the smooth mixture. Pour it into a glass and enjoy it’s goodness.

Berry Red Protein Blast

Berry Red Protein Blast, the best post workout shake for vegetarians
Berry Red Protein Blast, the best post workout shake for vegetarians

This shake is specially for those vegetarians who lack two important nutrients calcium and iron. With natural ingredients and creaminess of tofu, this post workout shake is worth a try.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 19 g
  • Carbs – 41 g
  • Fat – 9 g
  • Fiber – 9 g
  • Calorie – 298 kcal


  • 1 medium beetroot – peeled and cooked
  • 1/2 cup raspberries
  • 1/2 cup apple juice
  • 3/4 inch ginger – peeled
  • 1 medium sized carrot
  • 7 oz tofu


Add all of the above ingredients in a blender and mix them well until you get a consistent mixture. Release the mixture into a shaker or glass. Shake well and enjoy.

Fibrous Fruit Protein Smoothie

Fibrous Fruit Protein Smoothie, a creamy post workout shake with a variety of fruits
Fibrous Fruit Protein Smoothie, a creamy post workout shake with a variety of fruits

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 25.4 g
  • Carbs – 49.1 g
  • Fat – 1.9 g
  • Calorie – 287 kcal


  • 1 cup apple juice
  • 1/2 cup wheat germ
  • 1/3 tablespoon protein powder
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 3 – 4 strawberries -frozen; or
  • 1/3 cup peaches; or
  • 1/3 cup blueberries


Toss all the fruits, wheat germ and protein powder into the blender and mix well until smooth. Tranfer the mix to a glass and enjoy. You can also substitute apple juice with milk if you want more creaminess and texture in your shake. Add a variety of fruits for a more fibrous version.

Super Green Super Protein Shake

Super Green Super post workout shake with loads of protein and natural fibers
Super Green Super post workout shake with loads of protein and natural fibers

This delightful post workout smoothie with literally green ingredients is loaded with protein and natural fibers and can be very helpful in gaining muscles.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 18.5 g
  • Carbs – 51.5 g
  • Fat – 17.5 g
  • Fiber – 18.5 g
  • Calorie – 415 kcal


  • 1 medium sized sliced zucchini
  • 1 green apple – chopped and de-seeded
  • 1 peeled and sliced kiwi
  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 teaspoon Matcha powder
  • 1 scoop of your favorite protein powder


Put all the ingredients into a blender and mix them well in high speed. You can also add water or almond milk for a better consistency and creaminess. Release into a tall glass and cherish this green shake.

Bahama Style Smoothie

Bahama Style Smoothie, a super cool post workout shake
Bahama Style Smoothie, a super cool post workout shake

Feel the freshness of a tropical beach while having this super cool enriching post exercise shake.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 46 g
  • Carbs – 59 g
  • Fat – 8 g
  • Calorie – 467 kcal


  • 1 1/2 cup pineapple – frozen
  • 1/2 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk – canned
  • 1/4 cup natural pomegranate juice
  • 2 scoop egg white protein powder
  • 4 -5 ice cubes


Toss all the above ingredients in a blender and blend in high speed until you get a smooth mix. Pour into a glass and relish this fruity smoothie after workout.

Coffee Date Smoothie

Coffee Date post workout smoothie for the coffee lovers
Coffee Date post workout smoothie for the coffee lovers

With soluble fiber found in dates, abundance of potassium in dates and presence of oatmeal that aids in absorbing carbs and controls blood sugar level, this post workout shake is a perfect meal replacement recipe.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 8 g
  • Carbs – 45 g
  • Fat – 1.5 g
  • Fiber – 5 g
  • Calorie – 221 kcal


  • 1 cup coffee – chilled
  • 1 packet powdered milk – non fat
  • 1/2 cup skim milk
  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 4 pitted dates
  • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon vanilla


In a blender, place all the ingredients and blend them in medium – high speed until you get a nice smooth mixture.

Banana Blueberry Quinoa Shake

Banana Blueberry Quinoa Shake, an easy meal replacement smoothie
Banana Blueberry Quinoa Shake, an easy meal replacement smoothie

This super easy meal replacement shake is loaded with fiber, protein and antioxidants.

Nutrients –

  • Protein – 28 g
  • Carbs – 149 g
  • Fat – 12 g
  • Fiber – 17 g
  • Calorie – 752 kca


  • 1 large banana – ripe
  • 6 oz vanilla Greek yogurt – fat free
  • 1/2 cup quinoa – cooked and cooled
  • 2 cup blueberries – frozen
  • 2 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon wheat germ
  • 1 cup almond milk


Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend in high speed. Pour into a glass and enjoy this excellent smoothie.

These are the 11 best recipes for a post workout shake that are filled with goodness of protein rich ingredients like Greek yogurt, tofu, protein powders and milk. With these easy to prepare smoothies and shakes, you can plan ahead to get the maximum muscle gain and make the most out of your gymming routine. So, whenever you need a super beneficial breakfast or post workout recovery snack, opt out for these nutritious recipes.

5 Ultimate Health Related Fitness Components

5 Ultimate Health Related Fitness Components

People have been aware of the benefits coming from physical fitness with the introduction to the pandemic. Prioritizing fitness has been a key goal among people these days. But before diving into the world of physical fitness one must be aware of the health-related fitness components. It is highly advisable to reach out to the physical trainer and get your fitness plan ready before beginning your fitness journey.

Physical fitness has become a priority not an option
Physical fitness has become a priority not an option


There are 5 components of health-related fitness. Health-related fitness components are a classification of physical fitness apart from skill-related fitness components. These are a complete package that helps the individual in bettering their physical fitness and wellness. By engaging oneself in physical activities on regular basis one can reduce chances of getting chronic diseases. Here are the 5 components of health-related fitness;

  • Cardio-Respiratory Endurance
  • Flexibility
  • Body Composition
  • Muscular Strength
  • Muscular Endurance

Let’s take a look at them one by one.

Cardio-Respiratory Endurance

Cardio-respiratory or Cardio-vascular endurance refers to the respiratory system’s ability to supply an ample amount of oxygen to the organs. In order to improve this endurance, one needs to perform those fitness activities which elevate the heart rate but up to a safe level. This is a level-up process where one has to start slow and then keep on intensifying. Activities like running, jogging, and swimming helps in improving cardio-respiratory endurance.

Cardiorespiratory Endurance Exercise
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Exercise



It refers to the range of motion around the joint areas. One desires to have a flexible body so that they can perform not just the various fitness activities but also daily life activities. Maintaining flexibility is not an easy task though as it requires a lot of effort. There are complex stretching exercises along with gymnastics and yoga which help in achieving flexibility. Joints with better flexibility can also be remedial in prevention from injuries.

Flexibility through Yoga and Stretching
Flexibility through Yoga and Stretching


Body Composition

Body composition is nothing but the ratio of the fat-free mass vs fat mass present in the body. It also constitutes the amount of muscle, bone, fat, and other parts of the body while calculating. A high level of fat mass can cause hazardous diseases like diabetes, heart-related disease. Hence, regular exercises are pretty much essential to maintain this ratio.

Keeping a regular check on fat to mass ratio
Keeping a regular check on fat to mass ratio


Muscular Strength

It refers to the amount of force a group of muscles or muscle can apply. The sole aim is to make the entire muscle stronger. In order to achieve this feat, muscles are worked against some resistance. These resistances could be in terms of gravity or some weights. The most common exercise for attaining muscular strength is weight training.

Regular exercises can help in developing Muscular Strength
Regular exercises can help in developing Muscular Strength


Muscular Endurance

It is the ability of muscles to contract under some given resistance. The best example to understand this would be long-distance cyclists. To continuously pedal their bicycles for an enormous distance, they need to have a fatigue-resistant muscles. Their legs and glute area need to have muscular endurance. Another similar example of muscular endurance would be plank exercise. The most important factor over here is up to which extent someone is ready to push their resistance training. It solely depends on the individuals and their fitness goals.

Cycling is best example of muscular endurance
Cycling is best example of muscular endurance


Being physically fit helps an individual to improve their quality of life. A healthy lifestyle can be adopted by a person from any age group, and it has the following benefits coming out of it;

  • Helps is improving major body organ’s functionality like the heart and lungs. It helps in increasing the amount of oxygen reaching the organs present in the entire system.
  • Helps in toning of muscles and enhancing the energy levels of individuals.
  • Health-related fitness components also help in ensuring quick recovery after an injury.
  • It reduces the risk of many cardiovascular diseases such as Asthma, Heart Attacks, etc.
  • It also helps in reducing stress and anxiety levels which is a very common problem nowadays.
  • For someone who is starting their fitness journey quite early, it helps them develop good posture and proportionate body figure.
  • It helps in controlling or reducing undesirable cholesterol levels among people.
  • One who follows fitness will surely avoid any sort of fatigue and also have an improvement in their recovery cycle after rigorous fitness activities.
  • Fitness components also make sure that an individual is quite easily able to defy the aging process.
Health related fitness components helps in maintaining your body health
Health related fitness components helps in maintaining your body health


Physical fitness should always be a motivation for people who want to live a carefree life. There are numerous examples of people who have beaten long-term illness by maintaining discipline. Also, it is highly advisable to have a warmup and cool-down activity, before and after the workout. So, this shows us the importance of health-related fitness in our day-to-day lives.

Any fitness activity begins with a warm-up exercise which is generally a low-intensity exercise. A person can start by performing some stretching exercises. This helps to slowly get the body into the rhythm of exercises. Warming up also helps in preventing any injuries or damage to tissues and muscles while performing physical activities.

Aerobic exercises are the best examples of health-related fitness. These exercises help in developing cardio-respiratory endurance and also shred out extra calories. Yoga and stretching are an example of activities which helps in improving flexibility. The intensity of exercise also determines its impact on the individuals. Also, at the beginning stage of the fitness journey, only light or moderate level physical activities are recommended. Here are a few examples of such activities;

  • Bicycling at a lower speed
  • Water Aerobics
  • Ballroom Dancing
  • Brisk Walking

Once the person becomes comfortable in performing these activities the intensity is thus increased. Few examples of high-intensity health-related fitness activities are;

  • Jogging and Running
  • Jumping Rope
  • Bicycling at a slightly higher speed 
  • Swimming Laps
  • Hiking with or without weights
High Intensity health-related fitness activity
High Intensity health-related fitness activity


Furthermore, people also focus on muscle strengthening exercises. These are activities to be performed with intense care and regular intervals. These activities do not come under aerobic exercises. Here are a few examples of muscle-strengthening exercises;

  • Pushups
  • Squats
  • Weight Training
  • Pull-ups

In the end, one must have a habit of performing cooling-down activities after their regular exercises. It helps in preventing the rate of blood pressure from suddenly dropping. After vigorous physical activities, it is always good to have a cool-down period. The person must move for a few moments under the heart rate and breathing comes down to normal.

Final Verdict

Health-related fitness components are like a cheat sheet for a person who wants their overall body development. It is not just going to make one muscular but also helps in developing endurance in them. It not just makes them attain high flexibility but also maintains body composition. People can have body fat to body mass ratio by understanding their physical health and condition. And, if we leave all of these aside for a moment, it also helps in having a proper balance, agility, and coordination in the body.

Push your limits
Push your limits


So, if you are someone who is trying to set their fitness goals, do not forget to include these components in your list. Keeping track of all of them and understanding them in depth will surely help you in attaining your fitness goal much quicker. Stay Hungry, Stay Agile!

Isokinetic Exercise – Examples and Advantages

Isokinetic Exercise – Examples and Advantages

Isokinetic exercises are a type of exercise where customized exercising equipment is used to perform it. The word isokinetic comes from two words ‘iso’ and ‘kinetic’. The word ‘iso’ means ‘same’ and ‘kinetic’ refers to ‘motion’. Hence, the meaning of the exercise is right there in its name which states performing exercises at the same pace or motion.

Isokinetic exercise requires a set of well-versed equipment
Isokinetic exercise requires a set of well-versed equipment


There are multiple workout equipment available these days but not all fall under the category of isokinetic exercises. The machines used for these exercises are specially designed to produce a constant speed. The pace of any exercise can be under the user’s control using these well-equipped machines. These machines often come with detachable attachments for multi-usage. Isokinetic exercises are mostly for building endurance and strengthening muscles.

Isokinetic Exercise Equipment

  • Dynamometers: These are customized equipment that has the role to let a person perform exercises in a controlled fashion. The dynamometer measures and records the force outputs. These are body part-specific machines available that focus on areas like chest, abdomen, shoulders, knees, etc. The main advantage of this equipment is the all-in-one property.
Rehab care for analyzing the person's body
Rehab care for analyzing the person’s body


  • Stationary Cycles: These are specially designed equipment which an individual can customize as they like. It responds to the constant leg movement from the person. In the case of having a trainer while working out, they have the privilege to set the machine up as per the level of exercise. For instance, if the person pedals at 30 revolutions per minute and this is a level 1 resistance. So, if the trainer levels up then the individual must increase their pedals per minute to match the speed.
Stationary bike can be set up at gym or home
Stationary bike can be set up at gym or home


  • Treadmills: These are the best set of equipment available for isokinetic exercises. People have the advantage and variety while using these machines. They can go on the manual mode by working out with their efforts. Also, it provides an option to customize the speed and timing on the track so that the person matches up to it and performs a good set-up automated training. These special features make it one of the best isokinetic exercise examples at home.
Treadmill setup at Gym
Treadmill setup at Gym


  • Leg Extension Machine: These are one of the best examples of isokinetic exercise for the legs. Here the machine stays fixed at its place and has a set number of variable resistance(weight plates). So if an individual wants to get harder burns of their muscles they can easily increase the resistance for these machines.
Leg extension exercise
Leg extension exercise


Advantages of Isokinetic Exercises

Any form of exercise has its advantage, same is the case with isokinetic exercise. These exercises if performed with proper guidance and discipline often lead to resolution of any injury impact or helps individuals attaining their fitness goals. A well-balanced isokinetic training helps in improving flexibility and cardiovascular health.

There are many advantages of Isokinetic Exercises, some of them are;

  • The sole aim of these exercises is to challenge the body to the limit. This makes the person work towards strengthening and endurance.
  • There are minimal chances of injuries since the individuals are well aware of their body’s resistance.
  • The body muscles which have their involvement during the exercise get strength through the resistance.
  • It also helps in enhancing the range of motion of different body parts. In this way, the muscle fibers can work out in a wider range.
  • As the speed and resistances are under the user’s control, it helps in preventing injuries and control the overall muscle development.
  • People can have ample amount of rest during these exercises which helps them to avoid fatigue.
  • Since there is a good amount of gap between the exercise reps, hence people get rid of lactic acid generates during these exercises. This helps in staying active without much pain or aches.
Isokinetic exercises helps in pushing the limits
Isokinetic exercises helps in pushing the limits


Disadvantages of Isokinetic Exercises

Everything which has pros will surely be having some cons as well. It is true in the case of isokinetic exercise as well. In most cases, these exercises are safe enough when it comes to resistance-based training. It has higher significance for people with some medical complications.

The resistance in these exercises makes sure that the person is not going beyond the limit. This can sometimes be beneficial for the people and sometimes not. If the person has to make sure that they should not go beyond the resistance it is remedial for them. But when a person is fit and fine, they can end up putting in some extra effort or weight which can cause some tear or injury to the muscles.

The major disadvantages of isokinetic exercise are;

  • In these exercises, the weights are mostly fix up to a certain limit. Hence it doesn’t adjust dynamically to the motion or the force from the person.
  • Some of the isokinetic exercises need an instructor to be present in order to carry them smoothly, thus, it becomes a bit challenging.
  • Most of the time the momentum of the weights pushing the person forward reduces the strength required at the peak of joint motion.
  • Most of the equipment which helps in performing these exercises is not so pocket-friendly. The overhead expenses are quite high.
One needs a trainer to be with them almost all the time
One needs a trainer to be with them almost all the time


More about Isokinetic Exercises

Isokinetic exercise helps in improving the core muscles and spine support of an individual’s body. During these exercises, the length of the muscle keeps on changing even when the velocity of muscle contraction remains the same. This phenomenon is isokinetic muscle contraction. Isokinetic exercises are mostly for the athletes to train as it helps them in improving their performance.

For instance, a runner can improve their running ability, whereas a swimmer can improve their swimming since the body’s range of motion comes under impact by these exercises. Full range isokinetic shoulder rotation (external and internal rotation) are a special set of isokinetic exercise for shoulders. There are a few more exercises like isometric shoulder flexion, isometric shoulder abduction which is followed in the rehab centers.

Isokinetic exercises for shoulder
Isokinetic exercises for shoulder


Isokinetic exercises are most common among athletes as well. It helps in correcting muscle imbalances and also recovery. But choosing the equipment for these exercises will basically depend on the goals of the individual.

Final Verdicts

The most versatile equipment is the dynamometer as it has the special ability to provide the perfect match. It checks the resistances as per the individual’s strength and ability to sustain the movements. Hence, this is one of the best when it comes to identifying the best-suited training needs of the people who want to practice isokinetic exercises.

These exercises are often for people who are under rehabilitation or consultation with physiotherapists. The best part of the dynamometer is it provides all basic information about everything related to the body. This makes the job for the consultants much easy to decide what needs to have more attention and time.

Fitness Goal must be clear enough
Fitness Goal must be clear enough


Isokinetic exercises help in boosting strength and endurance for those who practice it with discipline. But prior to starting these activities, proper advice must be there from the medical experts or trainers. If someone has any injury background they must know their resistance before starting doing these exercises.

Generally, a combination of these isokinetic exercises along with some aerobic exercises and flexibility exercises gives the best outcome. So, overall one can have a plan or chart of exercises which are a combo of isometric, isotonic, and isokinetic exercises. This will certainly help in all-around body development with stability. Don’t Stop, Keep Chasing Your Fitness Goals!